Look4 Northampton is completely free to use. You will not get charged for searching or requesting a quote from one of the businesses listed on Look4 Northampton.
To use Look4 Northampton is really simple. All you need to do is find the service you are looking for from our drop down list, enter your location, then select a price, if appropriate and submit. You will then see a match of those local businesses that meet your requirements.
Next all you need to do is use the simple form to contact the chosen business.
Look4 Northampton does not store any of your information. When you submit your quote request this is sent directly to the business you chose.
Look4 Northampton has been specifically designed and built to help the local business community in Northamptonshire. This has been done initially through an instagram page However, we hope that over time through customer use and recommendation and other business use and recommendations that businesses will sign up direct.
The short answer, No.
Look4 Northampton is a completely free to use service for both customers and businesses.
It has been designed and built specifically to help businesses that are fighting to survive during the Covid-19 pandemic.
New Edge Media Limited (Newedge) will host, support, manage and maintain for free.
As a local business Look4 Northampton has been designed and built to help and support other local businesses throughout the county.
All businesses that are located throughout the county are welcome to join, no matter size, industry, service or market.